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Teaching Methodology

The Teaching Methodology to a large extent is participatory reducing the lecture method to minimum. The process of learning includes discussions, case studies, investigations, problem solving, role play, project work, field trips and other interactive activities.

Whether it is with an individual child, a group or a whole class, a flexible teaching method that is most appropriate to the situation is applied. MGM International School/High School is dedicated to providing the opportunity for all students to be productive and engaged in community development through various activities.

Teaching methodology is planned taking into account the different learning styles depending on strengths & weaknesses of students.

The learning process is relevant and purposeful as the students are encouraged to explore, gather, process, refine and present information.

The curriculum integrates content areas like Science, Social Studies, and Technology with process areas like Language, Art, Mathematics, Drama, and Music.

Inquiry approaches allow learners to take control of their learning. Prior knowledge is built upon to make and test predictions, to gather and organize information and to synthesize findings.

These conditions encourage the development of abilities like exploration, reflection and risk-taking.

Subjects pursued in CBSE

Classes Subjects
I to V English, Second Language (Hindi / Telugu), Maths, Science & Social Studies.
VI to VIII English, Second Language (Hindi / Telugu), Maths, Science, Social, Third Language (Telugu / Hindi).
IX to X English, Second Language (Hindi / Telugu), Maths, Science & Social.